Contractor Services photography direction

Various covers of catalogs with custom directed photography and layouts.
Photo direction sketch, notes, and resulting photo for a shot with a working electrician and products.


The challenge was to art direct and place product photography into self-mailers and in-store catalogs. Fit large quantities and varieties of product photography, price points, and copy into a small platform.


The solution was to direct cover photography in a way that showcases many products in one shot, reducing the overall number of individual photos needed — always being aware of copy placement during the sketching and shooting of photography reduced studio time and cost. Shooting the photography with a dynamic perspective helps add depth to a small platform that may otherwise start to feel very gridded.

Photo direction sketch, notes, and resulting photo for a shot with bath vanity and hardware.

Paint photo direction and layout


Art direct and place product photography into a custom self-mailer. How does one take an every day, unsexy product and make it look attractive with zero time or budget?


Shot from a worm’s eye view, the photography of this everyday product uses a heroic perspective. The image is placed into a layout that was heavy on lifestyle usage examples and light on text. 

Paint product custom directed photo.
Paint product self-mailer containing a custom directed photo.

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Hours: Monday – Friday, 9 – 5 ET